Listening & Growing: 5 Great Garden Podcasts

As gardeners, we strive to learn and grow a little each year. We expand our gardens, try new varieties, and work a little harder to improve our soil and keep the weeds under control. To help you learn a little more about sustainable agriculture, garden techniques, and gardening history and culture, we collected five excellent podcasts.

The No-Till Market Garden Podcast

Dig deep into sustainable farming methods with The No-Till Market Garden Podcast. Created by The No-Till Growers, Jesse Frost, Jackson Rolett, and Joshua Sattin, it’s an excellent resource for home and commercial growers alike.

In each episode, they interview a commercial grower practicing no-till agriculture. They discuss their knowledge, systems, and experiences providing the listener with valuable insight.

Black in the Garden

Self-proclaimed Plantrepreneur Colah B Tawkin created her podcast, Black in the Garden, when she found other gardening podcasts uninspiring. She wanted to share the black gardening experience, so she created a podcast “that resides at the intersection of Black Culture and horticulture in a world where all the garden fairies and most of the gnomes are white. ”

Episodes will be “on a range of topics that directly influence and impact black plant keepers as we blackily impact and influence the world.”

Organic Gardener Podcast

Created by Jackie Marie Beyer, the Organic Gardener Podcast features interviews with home gardening experts, food activists, organic farmers, and more. Tune in to learn about everything plants from herbal medicine and foraging to growing flowers and soil health.

The Permaculture Podcast

Created by Scott Mann and co-hosted by David Bilbrey, The Permaculture Podcast is perfect for anyone wanting to create a more sustainable world. The duo interview a variety of permaculture experts, “if you’ve read a book on permaculture or attended a convergence, there’s a good chance you’ll find the author or speaker in the archives. If not, they’ll likely be on the show soon.”

They cover various topics from garden amendments and permaculture design to creating sustainable landscapes and socially responsible businesses.

Edible Activist Podcast

Join Melissa L. Jones on the Edible Activist Podcast as she interviews a diverse group of people of color on their journeys working in food and agriculture. She chats with “growers, farmers, artists, healers, and other extraordinary individuals, who exemplify activism in their own edible way.”

Next time you put on your headphones, consider one of these awesome gardening podcasts.

2020 Collard Week

Southern Exposure Seed Exchange is proud to be a partner in The Heirloom Collard Project. In conjunction with The Utopian Seed Project, Seed Savers Exchange, Working Food, and The Culinary Seed Network we’re striving to build a coalition of seed stewards, gardeners, farmers, chefs, and seed companies working to preserve heirloom collard varieties and their culinary heritage.

Join us this December as we celebrate Collard Week!

This December 14-17, immerse yourself in food history, seed stewardship, gardening, farming, cooking, and more. Join the conversation as part of the Heirloom Collard Project!

All events start at 1 PM Eastern and will be live broadcasted via Culinary Breeding Network’s Youtube channel. All episodes will be approximately 1 hour in length.


Monday, December 14, 1 PM – Michael Twitty presents the History and Significance of Collards in the South

Michael Twitty will kick off Collard Week with a talk about the historical, culinary, and cultural heritage of collards in the South.

A 45 minute pre-recorded presentation will be followed by a Live Q&A with award-winning author, Michael Twitty.

Tuesday, December 15, 1 PM [Part I] – Ira Wallace & Co. present Results and Updates from the 2020 HEIRLOOM COLLARDS TRIAL

  • Ira Wallace will share an overview of the Heirloom Collard Project.
  • Nora from Seed Savers Exchange will share preliminary results from the 2020 Collards Trial.
  • Collards across the USA – a photo show of collard trial participants.

Tuesday, December 15, 1 PM [Part II] – Jon Jackson leads a Collard Trial Farm Tour of Comfort Farms

Jon Jackson, a former US Army Ranger, started Stag Vets, Inc, operating at Comfort Farms where he says, “nothing grows in comfort.” Well aware of the trauma returning veterans face, Jon created a space for healing and connection through an approach he calls “Agro-Cognitive Behavior Therapy”.

Wednesday, December 16, 1 PM – Amirah Mitchell presents Saving Seeds and Growing Community

Amirah Mitchell will teach us how to save seeds, with a focus on brassicas (Collards), and why it’s so important.

Amirah has worked in agriculture for over 12 years and is a practicing seed keeper of over two years, focusing on food crops of the African diaspora. Currently, she is studying horticulture at Temple University and is spending her third season working at Truelove Seeds.

Thursday, December 17, 1 PM – Ashleigh Shanti presents Cooking with Collards

Ashleigh Shanti will lead a cooking demonstration and discourse on cooking with collards. We’ll share her recipe ahead of time so you can be prepared to cook along and enjoy the dish!



To learn more about these awesome events please visit The Collard Week website.


These events are free but you do need to register ahead of time. Please register at The Culinary Breeding Network website.

Planning a Large-Scale Home Garden

Last year, we saw an increase in the number of new gardeners as well as an increase in the number of folks ordering bulk packages of seeds. In uncertain times people were turning to the garden and we’re honored that so many chose SESE for their seeds. If you’re looking to expand your food production next year here are a few things you can do to plan this winter.

Consider your previous garden.

If you’ve had a vegetable patch this year or in the past take a moment to consider how it did. Did you struggle with Downey mildew? Or grow way more zucchini that your family could eat?

Try to be as honest with yourself as possible about your struggles and triumphs. Figure these into your plan. Try growing less zucchini, Downey mildew resistant cucumbers, or a few more of those beans your family really loved.

Use market gardening techniques.

While potager gardens certainly have their place, setting aside a large section of your garden for tidy rows can help you maximize efficiency for large scale production. There’s a reason that farmers and market gardeners typically set their gardens up this way. It allows you to plant, weed, and harvest easily.

This isn’t to say you still shouldn’t be conscious of techniques like companion planting. It’s wise to alternate rows of different crop types. Mixing in rows of wildflowers has also been shown to help with pest pressure. You should also keep track of what is planted where and practice crop rotation.

Pam Dawling’s site, Sustainable Market Gardening, offers a wealth of information about growing and preserving large amounts of food.

Have a plan in place to put up food.

It always feels great to look at a bunch of jars of food you’ve canned or a freezer full of your frozen vegetables but when you’ve got a large garden it’s a lot of work.

It’s also wise to have some of the basic supplies you need on hand. At the beginning of the season, you might want to pick up some basic supplies like jars and lids, vinegar, or other airtight containers. It’s also wise to make sure items like your pressure canner or dehydrator are in good working order.

Really consider where you invest your time too. Canning 20 quarts of dilly beans may seem like a practical way to put up food but if your family is used to eating frozen green beans that may be a better alternative.

Succession Planting

If you’re unfamiliar, succession planting means using timed plantings to maximize your space and harvest. For example, you might succession plant blocks of sweet corn, planting one each week, over several weeks so that your harvest is spread out. You might also succession plant different crops in the same bed. For instance, you may plant lettuce or cauliflower in the early spring and then sow the bed with warm-season crops like bush beans or summer squash when they’ve finished.

Here are some helpful articles:

Draw it out.

Sketching out or planning your garden using a garden planner will help you use your space well. You can also use it to plan for succession planting and crop rotations in years to come.

Find our garden planner here.

To till or not to till?

If you’re completely new to gardening, you may not have heard about no-till agriculture. It’s a gardening technique where you never turn over your soil. Practicing no-till can help increase the levels of beneficial microbes, fungus, and insects in your soil. It also helps build organic matter.

That being said, it’s generally easiest to till your garden the first year if you’re starting completely from scratch. Not continuing to rely on a tiller may mean you can just borrow or rent a tiller for the first season rather than purchasing one. Alternatively, check out our post, Starting a Garden From Scratch Without a Tiller.

Saving the Past for the Future