All posts by Jordan Charbonneau

Preparing Perennials for Winter

Who doesn’t love perennials? They’re generally easy to care for and offer a harvest or beauty year after year. Make sure your perennials thrive next season with these simple fall tips.


Any damaged, diseases, or pest ridden plant material should be cut back in the fall. Some of of these materials are fine to toss in an active compost pile. A hot compost pile should kill plant diseases. However, some pest ridden plants like asparagus fronds that were infested with asparagus beetles should be burned.

Check out our winter compost pile tips.

That being said you may want to leave some dead plant material in the garden. Some beneficial insects actually overwinter in dead plant stalks. Seed heads like echinacea and sunflower are also great winter food sources for song birds.


Unfortunately, weeding isn’t just a summer chore. Perennials thrive when kept weed free so if you live somewhere without snow cover you may need to weed a bit during the fall and winter.

Weeds can be tossed into an active compost pile. A good hot pile will break down weed seeds so that you’re not adding them back to your soil.


If you live in the Deep South where winters are warm you may also need to water perennials during the fall and winter depending on the year’s rainfall.


Like we covered in our last post, perennials benefit from being mulched in the fall. Mulch provides a temperature buffer and can help prevent the soil from heaving during periods of freezing and thawing. It also adds organic material to the soil as it decomposes. You can use a variety of natural mulches including straw, leaves, hay, shredded paper, pine needles, or wood chips or shavings.

Mulch around the base of fruit trees and shrubs to help protect the roots. Most smaller perennials can be mulched over entirely you just may need to pull it back some after the danger of frost has passed in the spring.

Provide Extra Protection

If you have any perennials that are only marginally tolerant of your hardiness zone you can move them into a cold-frame for winter. Alternatively, you can try covering them with row cover or even just a thick layer of mulch. Sometimes just a little extra protection can allow you to grow plants that wouldn’t normally thrive in your climate.

Why You Should Be Mulching This Fall

There are many benefits to using mulch in your garden. It helps suppress weeds, provides habitat for beneficial organisms, and prevents erosion. Fall is a great time to employ mulch in your garden because it can help protect your plants and soil during the winter. It will also slowly break down adding organic material for the following season.

Create Simple Food Storage

In much of the southeast, it’s possible to store root crops right in the garden for at least part of the winter. Covering crops like storage carrots, turnips, rutabagas, radishes, and beets with a thick layer of mulch can provide them with a buffer of protection from freezing temperatures. They can be harvested as needed.

This strategy won’t work if you live somewhere the ground freezes.

Cover Open Soil

It’s best to never have open soil in your garden. Open soil is more susceptible to erosion and is a poor habitat for beneficial insects, bacteria, and fungi. If you didn’t get a chance to get a fall cover crop in, mulch is a good choice.

Protect Perennials

Perennials like strawberries, asparagus, rhubarb, and even chives benefit from being mulched in for the winter. It provides a buffer from temperature extremes and can prevent soil from heaving which can damage plants’ roots.

Avoid piling mulch too high around fruit trees though as this can create a place for rodents to gnaw on the tree’s bark. 

Keep Crops Weed Free

While there are certainly fewer weeds to worry about in the winter, it’s easy to let them get ahead of you in the spring. Keeping the weeds down with mulch can make it easier to get crops in the ground in spring and eliminate the need for tilling.

It’s also important to keep perennial onions, shallots, and garlic mulched and weed-free. Competing with weeds for space, light, and nutrients can result in smaller bulbs.

8 Tips to Help Your Garlic Thrive

What Mulch to Use

There are a number of mulches that are appropriate for fall gardening and many of them can be found for cheap or free. One of our favorites is old leaves. You can also use:

  • hay
  • pine needles
  • straw
  • shredded newspaper
  • wood chips
  • sawdust

Avoid using plastic, stones, or dyed mulches like certain wood chips and bark mulch.

Learn more about choosing the best mulch for your garden here.

When to Remove Mulch

In much of your garden, you can let the mulch break down naturally. However, there are a few places to pull it back in the spring. First, make sure to uncover perennials like strawberries and rhubarb (leave it around them though just not on top) as soon as the danger of a hard frost has passed. You’ll also need to pull it back to seed or transplant annuals.

Additionally, if you grow garlic it’s helpful to remove the mulch around it and stop watering about two weeks before you plan to harvest. This gives the garlic a chance to dry out and begin curing before harvest.



Listening & Growing: 5 Great Garden Podcasts

As gardeners, we strive to learn and grow a little each year. We expand our gardens, try new varieties, and work a little harder to improve our soil and keep the weeds under control. To help you learn a little more about sustainable agriculture, garden techniques, and gardening history and culture, we collected five excellent podcasts.

The No-Till Market Garden Podcast

Dig deep into sustainable farming methods with The No-Till Market Garden Podcast. Created by The No-Till Growers, Jesse Frost, Jackson Rolett, and Joshua Sattin, it’s an excellent resource for home and commercial growers alike.

In each episode, they interview a commercial grower practicing no-till agriculture. They discuss their knowledge, systems, and experiences providing the listener with valuable insight.

Black in the Garden

Self-proclaimed Plantrepreneur Colah B Tawkin created her podcast, Black in the Garden, when she found other gardening podcasts uninspiring. She wanted to share the black gardening experience, so she created a podcast “that resides at the intersection of Black Culture and horticulture in a world where all the garden fairies and most of the gnomes are white. ”

Episodes will be “on a range of topics that directly influence and impact black plant keepers as we blackily impact and influence the world.”

Organic Gardener Podcast

Created by Jackie Marie Beyer, the Organic Gardener Podcast features interviews with home gardening experts, food activists, organic farmers, and more. Tune in to learn about everything plants from herbal medicine and foraging to growing flowers and soil health.

The Permaculture Podcast

Created by Scott Mann and co-hosted by David Bilbrey, The Permaculture Podcast is perfect for anyone wanting to create a more sustainable world. The duo interview a variety of permaculture experts, “if you’ve read a book on permaculture or attended a convergence, there’s a good chance you’ll find the author or speaker in the archives. If not, they’ll likely be on the show soon.”

They cover various topics from garden amendments and permaculture design to creating sustainable landscapes and socially responsible businesses.

Edible Activist Podcast

Join Melissa L. Jones on the Edible Activist Podcast as she interviews a diverse group of people of color on their journeys working in food and agriculture. She chats with “growers, farmers, artists, healers, and other extraordinary individuals, who exemplify activism in their own edible way.”

Next time you put on your headphones, consider one of these awesome gardening podcasts.