Transplanting: 9 Tips for Success

This time of year is all about planting. We’re transplanting cabbages and broccoli this week in our zone, but soon it’ll be time to start setting out tomatoes, peppers, and other warm-weather crops. While transplanting is relatively straightforward, there are a few things you can do to ensure your seedlings grow successfully. Hardening Off The … Continue reading Transplanting: 9 Tips for Success

6 Tips for Planting a Fall Garden in Hot Weather

Over the last few weeks, we’ve been preparing beds and sowing many of our fall crops, such as lettuce, radishes, and cabbages, here at Southern Exposure. Unfortunately, temperatures in our zone 7a and gardens farther south rarely cooperate. The 90°+ days we’ve been experiencing are far from ideal for these cool-season plants. Unfortunately, we can’t … Continue reading 6 Tips for Planting a Fall Garden in Hot Weather