4 Unusual Perennials to Plant This Fall

We’ve discussed what to plant this fall quite a bit on this blog. You may have seen one of our last posts about great heirlooms for the fall garden and currently be sowing or transplanting radishes, carrots, beets, cabbages, and other crops into your plot. These traditional crops often make up the backbone of the … Continue reading 4 Unusual Perennials to Plant This Fall

Late June Garden Checklist

Here in the Southeast, June is an exciting time in the garden. Depending on your zone, you’ll be harvesting various crops like the last of the spring snap peas and broccoli and the first tomatoes, cucumbers, and squash of the year. It’s also a time where staying on top of the garden chores is critical … Continue reading Late June Garden Checklist

Crops for Succession Planting

There’s nothing like meals with homegrown ingredients straight from your garden. Grocery store produce can’t compare in flavor or price. If your goal is to eat as much fresh food from your garden as possible this season, you’ll need to use succession planting.  Succession planting means that you don’t plant all at once. For example, … Continue reading Crops for Succession Planting