Tag Archives: perennial plants

8 Reasons to Grow Rhubarb (Even in the South)

We’ve seen an uptick in interest in adding fruit and perennials to the garden. Though it isn’t technically a fruit, one of our favorite options for mid-Atlantic growers is rhubarb, also known as the pie plant. This hardy perennial is great for small space gardeners, produces in early spring, and is easy to grow from seed, making it an exceptionally affordable option. 

The variety we grow at Southern Exposure is ‘Victoria.’ It’s an English heirloom named for Queen Victoria, first available in 1837. Today, it remains a popular variety with home gardeners and commercial growers. 

Reasons to Grow Rhubarb

We think rhubarb doesn’t get the praise it deserves. Here are some of the many reasons we appreciate this wonder crop and why you should, too:

1. Rhubarb makes some delicious baked goods, from the classic strawberry rhubarb pie to tasty new recipes like a rhubarb fool or rhubarb pound cake.

2. Rhubarb contains anthocyanins, a type of antioxidant that has demonstrated heart and brain health benefits and may reduce your risk for certain types of cancer and type II diabetes.

3. You can take your spring cocktails up a level with rhubarb harvest and easy recipes like Pinch and Swirl’s rhubarb cocktail.

4. Rhubarb provides a tasty, fruit-like crop long before most other crops are ready to harvest.

5. Rhubarb isn’t good just for sweets! You can use rhubarb stalks to create savory recipes like rhubarb and cinnamon red lentil curry or spring rhubarb salsa.

6. Rhubarb is high in vitamin K, essential for bone health, blood clotting, and cardiovascular health.

7. In zones 7 and 8, you can utilize the shade parts of your property by turning them into rhubarb beds. They will appreciate partial shade in these warm climates.

8. Rhubarb has an interesting history. It is native to the cooler climates in China, Mongolia, and Siberia, and the Chinese have used it medicinally for at least 5000 years.

Only rhubarb stems are safe to eat. Don’t eat rhubarb leaves as they’re high in oxalic acid, which can cause kidney problems.

Rhubarb stalksGrowing Rhubarb in Zone 6 and Lower

Rhubarb loves cool climates and thrives as a hardy perennial in these zones. Each fall, your rhubarb will die back to the ground with hard autumn frosts, but it will pop up again next spring and is usually ready to harvest by late May or early June. Harvest just a few stems at a time during the spring and fall, leaving some leaves to continue growing.

Growing Rhubarb in Zone 7 and 8

In our 7a gardens and the rest of zones 7 and 8, rhubarb tends to behave more like a short-lived perennial. Hot summer days are hard on it, so it’s essential to plant it somewhere that it will receive afternoon shade. It’s an excellent crop for making use of shady spots in the garden.

Growing Rhubarb in Zone 9 and Higher

Unfortunately, rhubarb isn’t a big fan of the long, hot summers, short winters, and fungal diseases found in the deep south. However, this doesn’t have to totally eliminate it from your garden plan. Rhubarb can be grown from seed annually in these climates. ECHO (“Educational Concerns for Hunger Organization”) in Florida has had good luck planting rhubarb seed in August and harvesting in March-May. 

Learn More About Growing Rhubarb from Seed

Growing rhubarb has many benefits, and knowing how to grow it from seed makes it an affordable option for any gardener. Learn to grow rhubarb no matter where you live with this comprehensive guide from Ira Wallace, the godmother of southern seeds. 

Adding Perennials to Your Vegetable Garden

When planning our gardens we often think of annual food crops. Plants like peppers, tomatoes, cabbages, and sweet corn come to mind first and are the powerhouses of most backyard gardens. However perennials are an excellent addition to any garden. There’s a lot more to perennials than just their longer lifespan.

Why Grow Perennials

You can increase your food production.

Perennials can increase the amount of food you produce and therefore decrease your environmental impact. They’re often some of the first foods up in the garden and sometimes the longest producing. Plants like rhubarb, chives, and salad burnet will help fill your plates with local food when most of your annuals are still just tender seedlings.

They require less work.

Growing more perennials means less time spent starting plants each year. Just keep the weeds back, provide basic care, and enjoy your harvest.

Many perennials require less water.

As they grow for more than just one season they are generally able to develop deeper, more extensive root systems than annuals so they’ll need less careful watering.

They’re better at gathering nutrients.

Another advantage of their well developed root systems, perennials are often able to access nutrients from deep in the soil that annuals cannot. Perennials help bring these to the surface for them and the plants around them.

They improve soil structure.

Their root systems even help improve soil structure which helps not only them but any annuals that you grow near them. The soil health also improves because it’s not being disturbed each year. Nutrients are added through a top down system as parts of the plant die back or you add mulch around them. This process is just like what happens in a natural ecosystem.

How to Get Perennials

Perennials don’t have to be expensive! Browsing catalogs and visiting your local garden store can lead you to the impression that a garden full of perennials is going to be an expensive one. It’s doesn’t have to be though. Many perennial plants are easy to start from seed or divisions from existing plants which can sometimes be acquired for free or cheaply from friends, neighbors, or your local garden club. Ask around!

Southern Exposure Seed Exchange offers many perennial plants and seeds that can get you started without a big investment. Below are just a few of the perennials SESE offers that are easy to add to your garden.


Adding a lot of flavor with little effort, chives are super hardy, beautiful, and easy to grow. Plus once yours get established it’s easy to divide your plants and they make a great gift.


Though not a true fruit, rhubarb is the first fruit like food you’ll be able to get locally each spring. While many garden centers only sell rhubarb plants they’re actually quite easy to grow from seed. You can find a great post on growing rhubarb here.

Perennial Onions

For some, growing a patch of perennial onions is enough to supply all their onion needs without having to start tons of onions from seed each year.


Thyme makes and excellent perennial ground cover with the added benefit of smelling nice and being edible.

Salad Burnet

Often said to taste like cucumber, salad burnet will come up early and feed you long before any actual cucumbers will be available.


A highly sought after medicinal, ginseng takes awhile to grow but is well worth the wait!


Sage is both edible and medicinal and simple to grow from seed.


On top of being a commonly used culinary herb, oregano’s small white flowers also do a great job of attracting pollinators.

Garden Huckleberry

These dark blue berries are one of the few berries that are easy to grow from seed and they make excellent jam. You can read more about them here.


This flower has a lot going for it. Echinacea is not only beautiful but a great species for attracting pollinators and it’s highly medicinal.

Lemon Balm

As a member of the mint family, lemon balm gets established and spreads so easily you may actually want to make an effort to keep it contained.

Don’t be afraid to add a few perennials to your garden this year. They’re quite affordable and have many benefits. Even if you decide you need to change your garden layout most can be transplanted without harm later on.

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