Category Archives: Garden Advice

Should I Till This Fall?

Many of you are ready to step back and take a well-earned break from the garden at this point in the year. Still, we often get the question, “Should I till this fall?” Many of our dedicated gardeners continue searching for ways to improve their soil and production. Unfortunately, there’s never a one-size-fits-all approach to gardening. Here are some things you may want to consider before doing any fall tilling or garden clean-up.

Benefits of Fall Tilling

Fall tilling and clean-up serve two primary functions:

  • Removing and destroying diseased or pest-ridden plant material.
  • Preparing soil for the next planting.

While there are some benefits to letting plant material decompose right in the garden, it is best to remove any diseased material and to till the bed. If your bed was infected with tomato fungal disease like blight or your squash plants were covered in vine borers, clean up is a good idea. Remove and, if possible, burn any affected material and till the bed. Tilling helps remove overwintering sites for some insects and can reduce the insect population in the bed.

Some folks also like to till to prepare for their next planting. This may be garlic, perennial onions, cover crops you hope to put in this fall, or early crops you want to get in the ground next spring. Fall-tilled gardens tend to dry out and warm up more quickly, allowing for earlier planting of cool-season crops in the spring.

Of course, fall tilling has a few downsides, and there are some alternative methods of bed preparation, both of which we’ll discuss below.Field of fireflies

Issues with Fall Tilling

Tilling may be the right answer for some gardens, but it comes with a few potential downsides that should be considered:

  • Tilling disrupts soil structure and can harm beneficial insects, fungi, and bacteria.
  • Bare, tilled soil is more susceptible to erosion and nutrient loss.
  • Bare soil provides little habitat for beneficial insects, fungi, and bacteria.
  • Bare soil, particularly clay, is more vulnerable to compaction.
  • Leaving soil bare means a lost opportunity to improve soil over the winter.

If you decide it’s best to till your garden this fall, you can minimize the negative impacts. While little can be done about disrupting the soil structure, you can protect your soil after tilling.

Most of the issues listed above occur when soil is left bare over the winter. You can cover your beds with mulch like old leaves and straw to combat these issues. These help reduce compaction and erosion, provide habitat for beneficial insects, insulate the soil, and add organic matter as they break down. As temperatures start to climb in spring, you can rake back the mulch to allow the bed to warm up.

While mulch is helpful, our favorite method for winter soil care is planting cover crops. Cover crops are easy to grow and have many benefits, from reducing erosion to improving fertility. Our recent post, Soil Season: Winter Cover Crops, digs deeper into their benefits and how you can select a cover crop appropriate for your garden. 

You may also want to consider leaving other areas in your yard “wild.” So many amazing creatures depend on it. For example, female fireflies lay their eggs in damp, undisturbed soil and leaves. After hatching, the larvae spend several years to several months in the soil, feeding on slugs, snails, and other insects.

Alternative Bed Preparation

Today, we see more organic growers opting for no-till or low-till techniques. Skipping the tiller can be simple for small beds and may benefit soil structure and beneficial organisms. 

To begin, rake all the crop residue and any mulch off the bed. Depending on your needs and setup, this material can be burned, composted, or left to break down in a path. 

Then, you may want to loosen the soil. Without a tiller, you can use a broad fork or garden fork to lift the soil without turning it over. Simply plunge the fork in and tilt the hand back, pulling the soil upward before moving to the next spot. 

Generally, if you’re getting ready to plant right away, we recommend adding about 2 inches of finished compost to the top of the bed. Then, you can plant your garlic, Austrian winter peas, perennial onions, or other fall crops.

If your bed is brand new, you may want to stick to tilling for the first season or use a permaculture method like hugelkultur or lasagna gardening.

To till or not to till? Finding the right solution for your garden can be tough. Hopefully, this information will help you make the right choice so that you can protect your soil and have productive gardens this fall and next spring. 

Hurricane Relief: Resources for Farmers & Growers

Hurricane Helene has devastated much of the Southeast. SESE’s headquarters escaped unscathed, but we are deeply saddened by the loss of life and the damage to family farms. We rounded up some resources designed to help farmers and growers as we head into recovery. 

One of the most important things you need to do is document the damage. Gather evidence before beginning any clean-up. If possible, document damage with dated photographs, videos, and third-party verification (non-family if possible). This information can help you get the aid you deserve from various resources.

Keep notes on your damage, expenses, and repairs. Track:

  • Damage
  • Necessary repairs
  • Costs associated with repairs
  • Receipts for anything repair-related

If possible, put off repairs until you receive approval from the Farm Service Agency (FSA). Document any emergency repairs you must make, like fencing repairs for livestock. 

Monitor Livestock Carefully

Any livestock exposed to flood waters should be monitored carefully in the coming weeks, even if they appear fine right now. Bacteria in flood waters can cause skin conditions and infections. 

USDA Resources

Find and connect with your local USDA office here.

The USDA has a number of programs designed to help farmers recover from hurricane damage. Here are some of the ones you can look into:

Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP)

NAP provides financial assistance when natural disasters cause low crop yields, crop loss, or delayed planting for uninsured crops.

~Apply for NAP~

Tree Assistance Program (TAP)

TAP assists orchardists and nursery growers in replanting or rehabilitating eligible trees, bushes, and vines damaged by natural disasters.

~Apply for TAP~

Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honey Bees, and Farm-raised Fish (ELAP)

ELAP provides financial assistance to qualifying farmers who have lost animals, honeybees, or farm-raised fish during certain natural disasters. 

~Apply for ELAP~

Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP)

LIP provides assistance to farmers who have had an excess of livestock deaths due to natural disasters. LIP payments are equal to 75 percent of the average fair market value of the livestock.

~Apply for LIP~

The Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP)

EQIP is a conservation program that provides financial and technical assistance to farmers, ranchers, and forest landowners to integrate conservation into working lands. It may be used for hurricane recovery in several ways, including obstruction removal, clearing and snagging, land smoothing, repair of access roads, and repair of fences for prescribed grazing and protecting sensitive areas.

~Apply EQIP~

Emergency Forest Restoration Program (EFRP)

EFRP is designed to help landowners restore forest health damaged by natural disasters.

~Apply for EFRP~

Apply for FEMA

FEMA isn’t specifically for farmers, but it can help anyone, including farmers, with serious issues like displacement, temporary lodging, basic home repair costs, personal property loss, or other disaster-caused needs. 

There are several ways to apply: Go online to, use the FEMA App, or call 800-621-3362 from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. ET daily. The telephone line is open daily, and help is available in most languages. If you use a relay service, such as Video Relay Service (VRS), captioned telephone, or other service, give FEMA your number for that service.

To view an accessible video on how to apply, visit Three Ways to Apply for FEMA Disaster Assistance – YouTube.

RAFI (Rural Advancement Foundation International)

RAFI has information about farm emergency preparedness and disaster relief for farms affected by natural disasters. Visit their website.

Appalachian Sustainable Development Resource Page

Appalachian Sustainable Development has a developed a list of Emergency Resources that is available on their website.

Assistance for the Carolinas

Carolina Farm Stewardship Association

The Carolina Farm Stewardship Association has put together a running list of resources that may help growers in the Carolinas and beyond move forward with recovery. Be sure to check back in as they update their list.

~Check out CFSA Resources~

Meade Tractor

See the full description under Virginia heading to apply for equipment assistance. 

Florida Farm Relief

The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) offers low-interest or interest-free loans to agricultural and aquaculture producers with damage from natural disasters. 

They are now accepting applications for producers who experienced damage in Hurricane Helene or Hurricane Debby.

~Apply for a Recover Loan~

Georgia Farm Relief

Georgia Department of Agriculture

Georgia Agriculture Commissioner Tyler Harper has sent a letter asking Georgia’s congressional delegation to immediately provide aid to farmers. In the letter, he requests federal aid through a Block Grant to the State of Georgia rather than the pre-existing relief programs. Hopefully, we hear more soon. 

~The Georgia Agriculture Department~

Tennessee Farm Relief 

The University of Tennessee Extension has compiled a list of resources to assist farmers and individuals in Tennessee impacted by Hurricane Helene. They also encourage all farmers to contact their county extension agency. 

~Flood Resources~

Virginia Farm Aid

Smyth County Virginia Cooperative Extension

The extension encourages Smyth County farmers to contact them on Facebook and report losses, including hay, fences, barns, animals, etc. They ask that you include your name, address, description of loss, approximate value, and whether you had insurance. 

121 Bagley Circle, Suite 434, Marion, VA 24354 – 276-783-5175

~Find them on Facebook~

Meade Tractor

Meade Tractor has started a Crisis Response Program for farmers affected by flooding in Asheville, NC, Tri-Cities, TN, and Southwest Virginia. The program provides access to a fleet of tractors, loaders, and other essential equipment at no cost to impacted farmers and on-site training from Meade Tractor’s skilled team to ensure the equipment’s safe and efficient operation.

~Apply for Assistance~

This information has been gathered from other state, federal, and organization websites. SESE does not work with or support these programs. All of their decisions are their own. The hope is to gather helpful resources for folks. We will update this list as we come across more information in the coming weeks.

How Can I Help?

If you want to donate money, supplies, or your time to hurricane relief efforts, check in with the Carolina Farm Stewardship Association. They have created a Running Resources list including some great ways you can get involved. 

Soil Season: Winter Cover Crops

Winter is an important time to rest both for the gardener and the garden, but it can also be a productive period. It is a great time to work on building healthy soil, which can improve your harvest for years to come. One of our favorite ways to improve soil is by planting cover crops. They’re fairly low effort and provide big rewards! Now is a great time to establish some cool season cover crops in your garden.

Benefits of Winter Cover Crops

Winter cover crops have surprising benefits, even in small gardens. You don’t need a large farm to reap the benefits of cover cropping.

  • Add organic matter to the soil.
  • Protect soil from erosion.
  • Improve fertility.
  • Provide habitat for beneficial insects, microorganisms, and fungi.
  • Suppress cool-season weeds.
  • Improve moisture control and heavy clay soils.

How to Choose a Cover Crop

When selecting a winter cover crop, there are a few considerations. Does your soil have a specific issue? Is it compacted? Does it have low fertility? They should all be taken into account when choosing a crop.

However, one of the most important things you want to consider is how you will use the land in the spring. If you need to get a crop on the land in early spring, you may want to choose a winter kill cover crop. However, if you want to suppress early spring weeds, you may want to select a winter hardy cover crop that will continue putting on growth next spring.

Note that what crops are considered winterkill versus winter hardy depends on your location, hardiness zone, snow cover, and winter temperatures. Understanding your hardiness zone and looking at each crop’s specific requirements can help you make an appropriate choice.

There are benefits and drawbacks to both winterkill and winter hardy cover crops.

Austrian Winter Peas
Austrian Winter Peas

Winter Hardy Cover Crops

Winter hardy cover crops are those crops that can survive winter temperatures. They don’t necessarily grow all winter long. Instead, they go dormant when it’s very cold and put on growth when conditions allow it. For some areas of the Southeast, this may mean you see some growth through the winter. However, in mountainous regions, winter hardy cover crops will often put on growth in the fall and then again in the spring.

These winter hardy cover crops have the added benefit of out competing spring weeds. As they establish root systems, they tend to encourage more biological activity in the soil than a winter kill cover crop.

Winter Hardy cover crops tend to put on vigorous growth in the spring as the daylight increases and temperatures begin to rise. This growth can be good for suppressing weed growth, but you must also manage these crops as you prepare to plant.

Mowing and tilling winter hardy cover crops under is a popular option. Some no-till farmers prefer to use tarps or crimping to kill the crop and leave it lying on the bed as a mulch to plant into. However, as the mulch begins to break down it can temporarily tie up nitrogen. To mitigate this risk, you may want to wait 2 to 3 weeks before planting into that bed.

There are many winter crops ideal for fall sowing. Here are a few of our favorites:

Daikon Radishes (winter cover crops)
Daikon Radishes

Winter Kill Cover Crops

Generally, we plant winter kill cover crops a bit earlier than winter hardy cover crops. The goal with the winterkill cover crop is to allow them to put on good growth in the late summer and fall so that when they die during the frosts of late fall or winter, they provide a covering of mulch on the soil. This mulch helps provide a habitat for beneficial insects, insulates the soil, and adds organic matter as it breaks down.

In the spring, beds with winterkill cover crops are ready to plant immediately. You can lightly till the crop residue into the soil or leave it on the surface. Generally, it’s easy enough to rake to the side for seeding or to transplant into if you have seedlings.

Unfortunately, depending on where you live, these winter kill cover crops need to be sown early. As the main goal is to create biomass, you need to allow them plenty of time to grow before they’re killed off by frost.

As with winter hardy cover crops, precisely what is considered a winter kill cover crop in your area depends on your climate. For example, daikon radishes are often considered winter kill cover crops, but this may not be the case across parts of the Southeast. Daikon radishes are only killed where temperatures regularly drop below 20°F.

Here are a few of our favorite options for winter kill cover crops:

Mixing Cover Crops

Want the best of both worlds? Consider trying a mix of crops. Many winter kill cover crops are better suited to tolerate the southeast warm fall temperatures. Mixing them with a winter hardy cover crop can provide a little shade and protection for the winter hardy crop to get established. As the winter kill crop begins to die back, the winter hardy cover crop will grow and continue to grow in spring.

If you want to learn more about using winter cover crops in a no-till system, check out this article on Organic No-Till Cover Crops by our neighbor Pam Dawling, the author of Sustainable Market Farming.


It’s time to build healthy soil! Try adding some of these winter crops to your garden to add organic matter, improve fertility, prevent erosion, and more.