All posts by Jordan Charbonneau

Winter Squash Tips for Southern Gardens & an Heirloom Spotlight

Winter squash is one of our favorite staple crops. It’s sweet, nutrient dense flesh brings to life so many of our favorite cozy winter recipes. Most varieties also store well with no extra work. No canning or freezing required! Just set your squash somewhere cool and grab one occasionally to crack open for flavorful soups, delightful pies, or roasted veggie sheet pans. Unfortunately, it’s not always the easiest crop to grow for those in warm climates. Follow our best tips to have success with winter squash in a southern garden. 

Tips for Growing Great Squash in a Southern Garden

Having a long growing season can be helpful when planting long season varieties like Rouge Vif d’Etampes (Cinderella) Pumpkin, which takes 120 days to reach maturity. But those long, hot days come with a few downsides too. Hot, humid southern summers are perfect breeding grounds for pests like squash vine borers and disease like Downy Mildew. They can also leave your plants vulnerable to issues like sun scald. 

Select a Variety Suited to Your Climate

Finding open pollinated crops that are adapted to your region is always a good idea. Here are some of the winter squash varieties we prefer for southern gardens and why we like them.

C. moschata varieties tend to be more resistant to vine borers while C. maxima tend to be highly susceptible. 

Wheelbarrow full of butternut winter squashPlant Early or Plant Late to Avoid Vine Borers

Vine borers are the most common reason we hear southern gardeners talk about giving up on squash. Their ability to destroy a perfectly healthy crop is unbelievable. However, with careful timing, you may be able to avoid them altogether. 

Vine borer pupa overwinter in the soil. They emerge in late spring or summer. The moths deposit their eggs on the squash plants, primarily on the stem near the plant’s base. If you watch closely, you’ll likely notice the moths flying low around the bases of your plants during this period. 

When the eggs hatch, the larvae burrow into the plant’s stem, feeding on the plant for up to four weeks before they crawl down the stem and into the soil to pupate.

In northern or cool mountainous areas, vine borers may only have one generation per year. They’re usually laying eggs between late June and early July. Unfortunately, in warm southern gardens, vine borers can lay eggs from May to early August.

Planting early can be a helpful technique to avoid vine borers in southern gardens. Start transplants indoors and get them into the ground as soon as possible. Select smaller varieties that mature more quickly. 

Depending on Your USDA hardiness zone and first fall frost date, you can fall plant squash to avoid vine borers as well. To help extend your season even further, grow in a hoop house or select smaller varieties you can cover with low tunnels. 

Thwart Vine Borers with Other Organic Methods

Aside from timing your plantings, there are a couple of other organic methods to exclude or prevent vine borers. 

One of our favorite methods to protect winter squash and other crops from insect pressure is row cover. Lightweight row cover allows light and air to move through while excluding insects. Place it over winter squash plants while they’re young and then remove it when the plants get too large or begin flowering and you need to allow pollinator access. 

Some growers also have luck with the old aluminum foil method. Cover the lower stems of your squash with aluminum foil before the vine borer moths emerge to protect them.

C. moschata squash varieties are usually only vulnerable to vine borers when young, so protecting them early in the season is often enough.

Monitor for Vine Borers and Remove Larvae

If vine borers successfully attack your winter squash, remove the larvae as soon as you notice wilting. Gently slice open the squash stem using a sharp knife. Begin near the base and slice upward until you find the larvae. Kill the vine borer larvae with the tip of the knife.

After killing the larvae, mound moist soil over the slice in the squash vine. Keep the cut section of the squash well watered. Some plants will recover and grow roots from this section. 

Even if you cannot save the plant, destroying any vine borer larvae can help lower the population in your garden for later in the season and future seasons.

A close-up of a winter squash blossom on a trellisSpace Plants Appropriately

We all want to plant all of our favorite varieties, even if it means we have to cram them into a small space. It can be tempting to ignore those spacing recommendations we put in growing guides and on seed packets, but sometimes it does more harm than good. 

Dense plantings can restrict airflow and make crops fight for nutrients, space, and light. This can contribute to poor production and issues like fungal diseases. 

Trellising winter squash can be an effective way to save space and improve airflow. However, you will need to support the fruit of larger varieties.

Manage Water for Winter Squash Carefully

Watering winter squash can help promote good production. Winter squash thrives with about one inch of water per week. Rainfall may be sufficient in spring, but especially in dry summers, you’ll get better production if you water.

To help prevent fungal diseases like Downy Mildew, carefully water the plants, focusing water on the roots. Avoid using a sprinkler or splashing water onto the leaves and fruit. 

Be careful to avoid over watering. While moist soil is beneficial, consistently wet soil can cause rot and other fungal issues.

Use Thick Mulch Around Your Winter Squash

Mulch helps suppress weed growth and keep the soil moist and cool, but it also keeps the soil from splashing up onto the leaves and fruit when it rains. A good layer of mulch can improve your plants overall health and help prevent diseases like Downy Mildew.

Remove Downy Mildew Infected Leaves Immediately

Removing Downy Mildew leaves can help to lessen and slow the spread of this fungal disease. Unfortunately, it doesn’t ensure it won’t come back.

Rotate Your Crops

Rotating your crops, especially when you incorporate rest periods with cover crops, can significantly reduce pest and disease issues. While this technique is common on organic commercial farms, we often see small gardeners forgoing this practice. But it doesn’t matter how small your garden is, you can practice crop rotation!

Hands holding a Thelma Sanders Squash
Photographer Giselle Kennedy Lord |

Heirloom Spotlight: Thelma Sanders Sweet Potato (Acorn) Winter Squash

We carry many heirloom winter squash varieties at Southern Exposure, but Thelma Sanders always stands out. It’s a southern heirloom, coming from Thelma Sanders, who stewarded the squash for years in Adair County, Missouri. In Thelma’s words, this squash is “fine meated, better than sweet potatoes.” Slow Food USA added Thelma Sanders to their Ark of Taste, a catalog featuring endangered heritage foods.

While Thelma passed in 1998, her legacy lives on through this acorn squash. Thelma Sanders is a prolific producer of seeds and is a splendid choice for beginner seed savers. Saving seed from this variety is a simple way you can help protect biodiversity.

Thelma Sanders Sweet Potato Squash is also a perfect variety for those looking to stock the larder this season. It has a well-earned reputation for incredible productivity and winter storage ability. It’s a good way to stretch your harvest a little further into the year. 

Drawing of Garden Produce with text Plant a Seed 2025Plant a Seed Program

This spring Southern Exposure Seed Exchange has partnered with Slow Food USA in their Plant a Seed Program which features six Ark of Taste Crops. By purchasing Thelma Sanders Squash from us, or another featured heirloom from the other seed partners, you’re helping provide free seeds to school gardens.

Visit the Plant a Seed 2025 website to learn more about the program and receive a discount code for Thelma Sanders and the other featured varieties. 

Small Garden Big Harvest: 5 Ways to Increase Production in a Small Space

Having a small garden doesn’t have to mean small harvests. In fact, small, well managed and tended gardens are often more productive than their larger, occasionally neglected counterparts. Using a few basic principles, you can grow sizable harvests from a small plot or even a few raised beds. 

Potatoes in the soil (growing potatoes)Focus on Soil Health

Good production begins with good soil. If you want big harvests, work to build soil that’s fertile, rich in organic matter, and well-draining. One of the fastest ways to accomplish this is by bringing in finished compost. While compost can be pricey, it may be worth the initial investment. 

Top dress existing beds with a couple of inches of finished compost or use it to create new beds. You can fill raised beds or use the popular no-dig method. Lay a thick layer of cardboard onto the sod and then cover the cardboard with a thick layer of compost. 

There are also several ways to build good soil over time. These include making compost at home, growing cover crops, using mulch, and amending your soil as needed. Here are a few guides to help you build healthy soil:

SESE workers harvesting beans in a bean tunnel trellisGrow Vertically in Your Small Garden

Vining plants like cucumbers, winter squash, pole beans, Malabar spinach, and tomatoes are all high yielding crops, but when left to their own devices, they sprawl throughout the garden, taking up valuable real estate. Keeping these crops properly trellised saves space and makes them easier to tend and harvest. 

There are several options for trellising plants. We love making cattle panel tunnels for pole beans. They’re easy to harvest from and a lot of fun, too. You can also use panels or fencing in a traditional layout. 

A method called the Florida weave, which uses twine and fence posts, is an ideal, economical option for keeping rows of tomatoes tidy. 

If you’re working with heavy crops like winter squash and melons, you’ll need to make a sturdy trellis. Those from large fence posts or A-frame style trellises are good choices. The fruit may need extra support. You can tie old fabric or pantyhose to the trellis beneath the fruit as a sort of makeshift hammock to take some of its weight. 

Succession Plant

If you want to maximize productivity, you need to keep planting. Few crops are productive for the whole growing season. 

In spring, we love to plan and pair a cool weather crop with a warm weather one. For example, we’ll plant snap peas on a trellis in early spring. After the chance of frost has passed, we sow Malabar spinach beneath the peas. As the peas finish up for the season, the heat-loving spinach begins to climb. 

In summer, we continue successions of quick growing crops. Bush snap beans, sweet corn, and summer squash mature fairly quickly are great for planting in small batches every few weeks to get a longer harvest period. 

In late summer and fall, we sneak in the final rounds of those summer crops and then sow more of the cool season crops for late fall and winter harvest. Some good options for fall include beets, carrots, lettuce, collards, rutabagas, and turnips. 

Tips for succession planting from expert Pam Dawling (author of Sustainable Market Farming):

Woman planting with row cover and hoop house behindUse Season Extension in Your Small Garden

Using the shoulder seasons of spring and fall can significantly increase your production, especially in the Southeast where summer temperatures are often too high for cool season crops to thrive. 

Use succession planting to start plants early and late. To make the most of these cooler periods, have season extension ready to go.

Cold frames, indoor seed starting set ups, low tunnels, and high tunnels can help you start transplants and cool season crops earlier. Use your season extension to harden off transplants or sow cool weather crops like lettuce, which can you can harvest before replacing them with summer crops like tomatoes. 

Low tunnels and shade cloth can also allow you to keep spring, cool season crops thriving further into summer. These help keep the soil cool and provide a bit of relief for sensitive crops like spinach, lettuce, and spring radishes which will bolt or get woody when the temperatures rise.

Row cover or even old sheets can help you keep summer crops like tomatoes safe from early light frosts for a little longer. You can also sow additional cool season crops in low tunnels, high tunnels, or cold frames in the late summer or early fall to harvest through the winter. 

Keep Detailed Records

Keeping a detailed garden record can allow you to catch patterns in your garden over time, narrow down the most high yielding varieties, and prevent future mistakes. 

Many gardeners still enjoy using a physical journal for record keeping, but you could also use a spreadsheet or gardening app.

Note important events, harvests, and problems. Some things to track include:

  • First and last frost dates
  • Pest and disease issues
  • Selected varieties
  • Planting dates
  • Harvest dates
  • Harvest quantities

Make the most of your small space with these five gardening tips. Happy gardening!

5 Quick Tips for Good Germination

We test all our seeds for germination rates before they’re scooped into packets and sent to fill spring gardens across the United States. Some native flowers and herbs can be finicky, but germination rates are higher than 80% or even better for most vegetable crops. However, there are many factors that can affect how well seeds germinate in potting trays or in the garden. Conditions like temperature, moisture, and light can all affect the speed or rate at which your seeds germinate. 

Especially for new gardeners, these factors can be tricky to control. That’s why we’ve put together a few simple tips to improve and speed up your germination:

Pre-soak seeds for better germination.

Pre-soaking seeds can give seeds a head start by softening the seed coat and allowing the seed to absorb moisture. 

This can be helpful for many large-seed crops, giving them a head start on germination. However, you can overdo it. Generally, we soak seeds from 2 to 12 hours. Smaller seeds like tomatoes and peppers are on the lower end with large, hard seeds like nasturtiums on the high end. 

Crops that benefit from soaking:

  • English Peas
  • Snow/Snap Peas
  • Sweet Peas
  • Beets
  • Tomatoes
  • Winter Squash
  • Morning Glories
  • Beans
  • Pumpkins
  • Corn
  • Swiss Chard
  • Nasturtiums

Avoid soaking most of the small-seeded crops like lettuce, carrots, radishes, arugula, celery, cress, mustard, and spinach. If you’re in doubt, look into a specific crop’s requirements before soaking. 

Read all the specific crop instructions.

Most vegetable crops are fairly straightforward to sow. Seeds like beans, sweet corn, and tomatoes can all be pushed into moist soil at a depth about twice the diameter of the seed. Kept moist and warm, they’ll germinate fairly quickly.

Unfortunately, not all seeds are so forgiving. In the growing instructions, you’ll notice that our Old Fashioned Vining and Balcony Petunias require light to germinate. Growers will need to press them into the surface of the soil and be vigilant about keeping them moist.

If you glance at any of the echinacea’s directions, you’ll find they require cold stratification. This period of cold, moist conditions coming and going signals to the seeds that winter has come and gone and it’s time to break germination. 

A few plants even benefit from scarification or physical damage to the seed coat. Growers can nick the seed’s outer surface with a nail file, sharp knife, or sandpaper.  

Carefully reading instructions for these finicky varieties can save you a whole lot of time and heartache. 

Fun fact: some plant seeds even benefit from fire or smoke. These species, like the Ponderosa Pine, evolved in places where fire was a natural part of the ecosystem. 

Ensure the seeds have good contact with the soil.

Seeds that don’t have good contact with the soil will often dry out or fail to root. When planting seeds indoors, firmly press seed mixing trays or containers. If your seeds need light, press them firmly into the soil.

When direct sowing, firmly press the soil over your seeds. Rake in broadcasted seeds to help ensure they get good contact. 

Keep the soil at the right temperature.

Soil temperature is critical in seed starting, that’s why you’ll find temperature requirements right under the variety description here on the website or in our growing guides. 

Some seeds like tomatoes, peppers, sweet corn, eggplants, and summer squash all need warm soil temperature to germinate and thrive. Soil that’s too cool can slow germination. In outdoor plantings like with seed corn, the seed may even rot before it germinates if the soil is too cold. 

When planting these warmth-loving seeds indoors, we recommend keeping them in a warm spot, like near a wood stove or heater, while they germinate. Heat mats are also incredibly helpful though they can be pricey. 

Other seeds do well with relatively cool soil. These include cabbage, broccoli, snap peas, English peas, spinach, and lettuce. They often germinate well indoors and during the spring. Direct sowing them in the middle of summer for a fall crop can be problematic. While the temperatures are high, we use row cover to shade and cool the soil or move to indoor sowing. In hot weather, setting flats into the fridge for a couple days after sowing can jump-start germination. 

Keep the soil consistently moist for good germination.

Moisture plays a key role in germination. While plants can handle drying out occasionally even as seedlings, germinating seeds cannot. Always keep the soil evenly moist but not soggy and avoid letting it dry out. Setting a timer can be a helpful reminder.

Containers with proper drainage holes are essential to about over watering. Some growers find that humidity domes over their seed trays helpful. These clear plastic domes hold in moisture and warm air. 

Need more seed starting advice? Read our full guide to starting seeds indoors.