Many of you have already read about our membership with OSGATA and the current lawsuit local farmers are filing against Monsanto. It is an inarguable fact that the people, especially local organic farmers, deserve the right to choose between GMO & non-GMO products. We are proud to be a part of the movement to support transparent labeling.
“March against Monsanto” protests were held in 52 countries and 436 cities on May 25th, and many of us from Southern Exposure were very happy to attend the local protest in Richmond, VA. (Many members took the trip down to DC, too!)

We were surprised at the turnout for the event. The crowd grew and grew as the protest wore on. We handed out certified organic dark green zucchini to passersby and protesters, and received many thanks from local gardeners & farmers for our efforts to maintain the quality of our seed.
There was not an “average” protester during the Richmond march– organic farmers, local gardeners, families and children all attended. This is a movement people from all areas of life can fight for. No one is exempt from the right to healthy, organic food.

Anyone can help in the continuing battle against Monsanto and unlabeled genetically modified products. Here are some ways how:
1. Sign the Food Democracy Now! Petition in Support of Family Farmers Against Monsanto.
2. Read about the OSGATA V. Monsanto Case to stay informed & encourage others to do the same.
3. Donate, if possible, to the cause.
4. Spread awareness about the dangers of GMO products through blogs, pamphlets & literature, and peaceful protests.

Photography courtesy of Anika Kyronseppa Edrei.